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Apprentices Act

Chapter II: Apprentices and Their Training

Section 21: Holding of test and grant of certificate and conclusion of training.

(1) Every trade apprentice who has completed the period of training shall appear for a test to be conducted by the National Council to determine his proficiency in the designated trade in which he has undergone his apprenticeship training.

(2) Every trade apprentice who passes the test referred to in sub-section (1) shall be granted a certificate of proficiency in the trade by the National Council.

(3) The progress in apprenticeship training of every graduate or technician apprentice shall be assessed by the employer from time to time.

(4) Every graduate or technician apprentice or technician (vocational) apprentice who completes his apprenticeship training to the satisfaction of the concerned Regional Board, shall be granted a certificate of proficiency by that Board.

(5) Every graduate or technician apprentice or technician (vocational) apprentice, who completes his apprenticeship training to the satisfaction of the concerned Regional Board, shall be granted a certificate of proficiency by that Board.

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